Assignment- This week we had the option to watch Lipstick and Dynamite documentary for 10 points extra credit.
Craft- this video was created by Ruth
Lietman and is a documentary of former women wrestlers from the time around 1950. It has a variety of old and new footage of the women in the ring and interviews of these women.
Composition- it started out with a women on a talk show introducing herself to the audience as a professional women's wrestler. after that, it continues with several other girl wrestlers explaining their stories. these women's stories included their struggles, competitors, championships, etc. throughout the video, these women explain how that part of their life has changed who they are today. at the end of the video, all of the women wrestlers get together for a women wrestler reunion, which was nice for them to all see
each other again, although one of the ladies, i believe her name was Gladys "
Gillem, said she
didn't care to see some of these women again. i thought that was funny. i also thought it was interesting how one woman said back when she was a wrestler, she and the rest of the women wrestlers were appreciated for their athleticism, but now a days, what are these women trying to say? it almost sounded like she was ashamed to associate herself with the current wrestlers
Concept- in this video,
Lietman is expressing women's role in society in the 1950s was to be the typical housewife; cook, clean, and take care of the children. these women wrestlers definitely did not fit the stereotype during this time. some of society was accepting to their decision to play a man sport, but some of the public, such as Classy Freddie
Blassie, felt "girl wrestlers are pigs". i believe this video was also to show this was a major reason why women have the freedom to do what they want these days.