Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 1

Assignment- set up blog

Craft- I went through the steps on to set up my blog, and then I picked a picture off of Facebook, added it to my page. I then added information about me, as well as filled out all the information about my assignment.

Composition- I picked this photo because it is different than the normal 'smiling' picture, it's more fun, and I'm with my cousin, Madison in it, and I just love her :) I picked this layout because my favorite color is lime green, and I liked the design of the template.

Concept- The reason for this assignment to to get us familiar with, since we will be using it all semester to post our work and to view our peers work. What makes me so good?? I would like to consider myself a good listener and good friend. Some people would consider me funny, and I know how to make someone feel better when they are down. I am pretty responsible and thorough. I like to put 100% into everything I do.

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